Having Something to Say

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #0F5D94;”] A [/dropcap] few years ago we wrote in journals private thoughts that were seldom shared with others. In today’s world we write in a blog (short form of “web log”) that is accessible to anyone on the web. I don’t assume that the content of these two forms of journaling is close to the same, but where people once journaled primarily for themselves, now we need to add a new line of thinking to our writing — what do we have to say that others would be genuinely interested in reading?

My purpose in writing is to raise issues I think are important to an audience that is mostly made up of people I know. If I don’t know you and you come across this blog, we can at least interact through “comments” and we can gain the level of awareness of each other that words allow.

So, what’s important? Is it important to a Canadian what laws and limits the U.S. Government imposes on its citizens? Is it important what happens to unborn babies? Is it important how you relate with your children and what options you choose for their education? Is it important what happens to European Union nations and the banks who invest in their sovereign debt? Is it important what’s happening to the church in Egypt or Ethiopia or Iraq during times of domestic turmoil in those nations? You could make a very, very long list of things that are important, things that affect the way we live or will live in the future.

How do we know that what we have to say on any given subject is important? That’s a more difficult question to answer because it’s so subjective. One person might find your comments helpful and enlightening, while another rants that you’re an idiot for holding your views. I find this disparity often as I’m surfing the internet, looking for helpful information on any given topic. There are many ranters and, fortunately, there are also some very insightful and interesting perspectives offered by people who have done some homework on the issue being discussed.

[quote]I hope to write something about once a week on this blog and I’m going to try to make sure that I’ve researched the issues enough to make it interesting for anyone to read, whether you agree with me or not.[/quote]

If you have questions or ideas of topics you’d like me to write about, then feel free to register with this site and offer your ideas — or your response to the blog content. Hoping this becomes a lively forum for people from Silver Valley Community Church (and others) to interact with, I’ll write again soon.

Cheers, Dave

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’] https://silvervalleycommunitychurch.com/wp-content/uploads/dave_king_sm.jpg [/author_image] Dave King is the Pastor of Silver Valley Community Church. Dave studied at Regent College in Vancouver and completed a Master of Divinity degree in 1989 while working as an Assoc. Pastor at New Life Community Church in Burnaby. Read more

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    I look forward to following the blog and hopefully engaging in some discussion on these very interesting topics.

    “A man with God is always in the majority.” John Knox