- freedom in worship – a worship style that encourages people to express their love and devotion to God with genuineness and freedom.
- ‘friendship leadership’ where a leadership team prays together and supports each other in the ministry of leading a church
- a non-critical/non-judgmental acceptance of people for who they are and a willing-ness to know and appreciate each person – trusting the Spirit’s work in each one
- a willingness to serve, especially in serving the needs of the community in order to demonstrate Christian love
- consistent biblical teaching
- empowering people to serve as they feel led of God – noting especially a need to empower young people to rise into leadership and responsibility according to the gifts and calling evident in their lives
- having fun – joy should abound in the family of God
- linking with each other to encourage our personal spiritual growth. Encouraging one another in waiting on God in prayer, in stepping out boldly in faith and in growing in trust for one another
- growing in dependence on the Holy Spirit to direct us in all aspects of ministry
- people before programs
- good organization that helps things run smoothly without drawing attention to itself
- major on majors, minor on minors
- training our children in a context of friendship