Coronavirus Update

Because of the serious need in our world to restrict the possibility of Covid-19 transmission, we will no longer be meeting together on Sundays for the foreseeable future.

We will be posting sermons and announcements online and will do our best to keep in touch with the people of Silver Valley. If you have a need that you would like to make us aware of, please contact Dave King directly (778-869-9293 or 604-466-9293; email

Donations can be given online – click here for instructions. Stay safe and stay strong in your faith, keeping your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Admittedly, this calendar is not kept as up to date as it should be. Please note that the best way to keep up to date on our important event dates and times is to sign-up to our newsletter.

Week of Prayer – Those “outside” @ Robb & Paula's
Feb 5 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Hi, Friends!

I'd like to invite you to join with the "family" of Silver Valley Community Church as we spend this coming week seeking the Lord for His purpose and blessing for our church.


Please come to one or more of the meetings this week if you're able, but, if not, please be in prayer.  The evening meeting locations are listed below, but first let me ask you to think about three areas in which you can help us prepare:

  1. Do you know someone (maybe yourself) who is in need of physical healing?
    • Would you be willing to email a name to Teena with a description of that need and we will pray for them on Tuesday evening.
  2. Do you have a burden to pray for a particular person that he or she would come to know Jesus?  
    • We want to pray for those "outside the family" on Friday evening, so ask that you send any names, special circumstances, etc. to us by then.  Just reply to with your request.

As you pray this week, if God gives you a picture or a word for the church as a whole, could you email that to me as well.  We will be praying for the church on Saturday evening and would hope to be directed by the Spirit to pray in specific ways.

Here's the schedule, all starting at 7:p.m. – come when you're able:


Monday Personal prayer A day for personal prayer,
spending time in God's presence
Tuesday Healing prayer Dave & Patti's
12760 227B Street
Wednesday Men's prayer Noel & Jennifer's
11363 240A Avenue
Thursday Women's prayer Tammie's
12310 Davison Street
Friday Those "outside" Robb & Paula's
23662 Rock Ridge Drive
Saturday The Church Paul & Micheline's
11860 249 Street
Sunday On Sunday evening, February 7, there will be a worship service at Maple Ridge Christian Life Assembly on 232nd. We'd like to end our week of prayer with thanksgiving and praise to the God who answers prayer. We'll let you know what time the worship service begins … stay tuned.

If you have any comments, questions, personal prayer requests or insights from the Spirit, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Blessings all,


Week of Prayer – The Church @ Paul & Micheline's
Feb 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Hi, Friends!

I'd like to invite you to join with the "family" of Silver Valley Community Church as we spend this coming week seeking the Lord for His purpose and blessing for our church.


Please come to one or more of the meetings this week if you're able, but, if not, please be in prayer.  The evening meeting locations are listed below, but first let me ask you to think about three areas in which you can help us prepare:

  1. Do you know someone (maybe yourself) who is in need of physical healing?
    • Would you be willing to email a name to Teena with a description of that need and we will pray for them on Tuesday evening.
  2. Do you have a burden to pray for a particular person that he or she would come to know Jesus?  
    • We want to pray for those "outside the family" on Friday evening, so ask that you send any names, special circumstances, etc. to us by then.  Just reply to with your request.

As you pray this week, if God gives you a picture or a word for the church as a whole, could you email that to me as well.  We will be praying for the church on Saturday evening and would hope to be directed by the Spirit to pray in specific ways.

Here's the schedule, all starting at 7:p.m. – come when you're able:


Monday Personal prayer A day for personal prayer,
spending time in God's presence
Tuesday Healing prayer Dave & Patti's
12760 227B Street
Wednesday Men's prayer Noel & Jennifer's
11363 240A Avenue
Thursday Women's prayer Tammie's
12310 Davison Street
Friday Those "outside" Robb & Paula's
23662 Rock Ridge Drive
Saturday The Church Paul & Micheline's
11860 249 Street
Sunday On Sunday evening, February 7, there will be a worship service at Maple Ridge Christian Life Assembly on 232nd. We'd like to end our week of prayer with thanksgiving and praise to the God who answers prayer. We'll let you know what time the worship service begins … stay tuned.

If you have any comments, questions, personal prayer requests or insights from the Spirit, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Blessings all,


Week of Prayer – CLA @ Maple Ridge Christian Life Assembly
Feb 7 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Hi, Friends!

I'd like to invite you to join with the "family" of Silver Valley Community Church as we spend this coming week seeking the Lord for His purpose and blessing for our church.


Please come to one or more of the meetings this week if you're able, but, if not, please be in prayer.  The evening meeting locations are listed below, but first let me ask you to think about three areas in which you can help us prepare:

  1. Do you know someone (maybe yourself) who is in need of physical healing?
    • Would you be willing to email a name to Teena with a description of that need and we will pray for them on Tuesday evening.
  2. Do you have a burden to pray for a particular person that he or she would come to know Jesus?  
    • We want to pray for those "outside the family" on Friday evening, so ask that you send any names, special circumstances, etc. to us by then.  Just reply to with your request.

As you pray this week, if God gives you a picture or a word for the church as a whole, could you email that to me as well.  We will be praying for the church on Saturday evening and would hope to be directed by the Spirit to pray in specific ways.

Here's the schedule, all starting at 7:p.m. – come when you're able:


Monday Personal prayer A day for personal prayer,
spending time in God's presence
Tuesday Healing prayer Dave & Patti's
12760 227B Street
Wednesday Men's prayer Noel & Jennifer's
11363 240A Avenue
Thursday Women's prayer Tammie's
12310 Davison Street
Friday Those "outside" Robb & Paula's
23662 Rock Ridge Drive
Saturday The Church Paul & Micheline's
11860 249 Street
Sunday On Sunday evening, February 7, there will be a worship service at Maple Ridge Christian Life Assembly on 232nd. We'd like to end our week of prayer with thanksgiving and praise to the God who answers prayer. We'll let you know what time the worship service begins … stay tuned.

If you have any comments, questions, personal prayer requests or insights from the Spirit, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Blessings all,


Picnic and Baptism @ Philip & Sue Wongs Residence
Aug 21 @ 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Church Picnic and Baptism at Philip & Sue Wong’s Residence.
Baptism will be at 3:30!
The Wong’s will be providing some food but please consider this as a pot-luck.
There will be some fruit punch, and plastic plates, forks and cups.
Please bring salads & desserts to share; and a main course of your own if you like. A BBQ will be available. Bring lawn chairs and/or blankets for sitting on the shady grass.

Alpha Program
Sep 30 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Alpha Program – Begins Friday Sep. 30/16 at 6pm!

  • When: Friday nights starting Sept 30/16 at 6pm
  • What: Dinner followed by 20-25 min video & discussion
  • Location: Will be at the hall where we hold our services
  • Child care: is provided
  • It’s all FREE

alpha-program-maple-ridge-logoThe Alpha Course is run at least once every year and has been a wonderful experience for learning and for growing relationships with others in the group. It is a 10-week program, introducing people to the basics of the Christian faith and features a shared meal and a time for asking questions and open discussion.

Contact Pastor Dave at 604-466-9293 if you are interested in the next “Alpha” or submit the form below …

Signup to attend our next Alpha Program

Alpha Program
Oct 7 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Alpha Program – Begins Friday Sep. 30/16 at 6pm!

  • When: Friday nights starting Sept 30/16 at 6pm
  • What: Dinner followed by 20-25 min video & discussion
  • Location: Will be at the hall where we hold our services
  • Child care: is provided
  • It’s all FREE

alpha-program-maple-ridge-logoThe Alpha Course is run at least once every year and has been a wonderful experience for learning and for growing relationships with others in the group. It is a 10-week program, introducing people to the basics of the Christian faith and features a shared meal and a time for asking questions and open discussion.

Contact Pastor Dave at 604-466-9293 if you are interested in the next “Alpha” or submit the form below …

Signup to attend our next Alpha Program

Alpha Program
Oct 14 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Alpha Program – Begins Friday Sep. 30/16 at 6pm!

  • When: Friday nights starting Sept 30/16 at 6pm
  • What: Dinner followed by 20-25 min video & discussion
  • Location: Will be at the hall where we hold our services
  • Child care: is provided
  • It’s all FREE

alpha-program-maple-ridge-logoThe Alpha Course is run at least once every year and has been a wonderful experience for learning and for growing relationships with others in the group. It is a 10-week program, introducing people to the basics of the Christian faith and features a shared meal and a time for asking questions and open discussion.

Contact Pastor Dave at 604-466-9293 if you are interested in the next “Alpha” or submit the form below …

Signup to attend our next Alpha Program

Alpha Program
Oct 21 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Alpha Program – Begins Friday Sep. 30/16 at 6pm!

  • When: Friday nights starting Sept 30/16 at 6pm
  • What: Dinner followed by 20-25 min video & discussion
  • Location: Will be at the hall where we hold our services
  • Child care: is provided
  • It’s all FREE

alpha-program-maple-ridge-logoThe Alpha Course is run at least once every year and has been a wonderful experience for learning and for growing relationships with others in the group. It is a 10-week program, introducing people to the basics of the Christian faith and features a shared meal and a time for asking questions and open discussion.

Contact Pastor Dave at 604-466-9293 if you are interested in the next “Alpha” or submit the form below …

Signup to attend our next Alpha Program

Alpha Program
Oct 28 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Alpha Program – Begins Friday Sep. 30/16 at 6pm!

  • When: Friday nights starting Sept 30/16 at 6pm
  • What: Dinner followed by 20-25 min video & discussion
  • Location: Will be at the hall where we hold our services
  • Child care: is provided
  • It’s all FREE

alpha-program-maple-ridge-logoThe Alpha Course is run at least once every year and has been a wonderful experience for learning and for growing relationships with others in the group. It is a 10-week program, introducing people to the basics of the Christian faith and features a shared meal and a time for asking questions and open discussion.

Contact Pastor Dave at 604-466-9293 if you are interested in the next “Alpha” or submit the form below …

Signup to attend our next Alpha Program

Alpha Program
Nov 4 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Alpha Program – Begins Friday Sep. 30/16 at 6pm!

  • When: Friday nights starting Sept 30/16 at 6pm
  • What: Dinner followed by 20-25 min video & discussion
  • Location: Will be at the hall where we hold our services
  • Child care: is provided
  • It’s all FREE

alpha-program-maple-ridge-logoThe Alpha Course is run at least once every year and has been a wonderful experience for learning and for growing relationships with others in the group. It is a 10-week program, introducing people to the basics of the Christian faith and features a shared meal and a time for asking questions and open discussion.

Contact Pastor Dave at 604-466-9293 if you are interested in the next “Alpha” or submit the form below …

Signup to attend our next Alpha Program

Alpha Program
Nov 11 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Alpha Program – Begins Friday Sep. 30/16 at 6pm!

  • When: Friday nights starting Sept 30/16 at 6pm
  • What: Dinner followed by 20-25 min video & discussion
  • Location: Will be at the hall where we hold our services
  • Child care: is provided
  • It’s all FREE

alpha-program-maple-ridge-logoThe Alpha Course is run at least once every year and has been a wonderful experience for learning and for growing relationships with others in the group. It is a 10-week program, introducing people to the basics of the Christian faith and features a shared meal and a time for asking questions and open discussion.

Contact Pastor Dave at 604-466-9293 if you are interested in the next “Alpha” or submit the form below …

Signup to attend our next Alpha Program

Alpha Program
Nov 18 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Alpha Program – Begins Friday Sep. 30/16 at 6pm!

  • When: Friday nights starting Sept 30/16 at 6pm
  • What: Dinner followed by 20-25 min video & discussion
  • Location: Will be at the hall where we hold our services
  • Child care: is provided
  • It’s all FREE

alpha-program-maple-ridge-logoThe Alpha Course is run at least once every year and has been a wonderful experience for learning and for growing relationships with others in the group. It is a 10-week program, introducing people to the basics of the Christian faith and features a shared meal and a time for asking questions and open discussion.

Contact Pastor Dave at 604-466-9293 if you are interested in the next “Alpha” or submit the form below …

Signup to attend our next Alpha Program

Alpha Program
Nov 25 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Alpha Program – Begins Friday Sep. 30/16 at 6pm!

  • When: Friday nights starting Sept 30/16 at 6pm
  • What: Dinner followed by 20-25 min video & discussion
  • Location: Will be at the hall where we hold our services
  • Child care: is provided
  • It’s all FREE

alpha-program-maple-ridge-logoThe Alpha Course is run at least once every year and has been a wonderful experience for learning and for growing relationships with others in the group. It is a 10-week program, introducing people to the basics of the Christian faith and features a shared meal and a time for asking questions and open discussion.

Contact Pastor Dave at 604-466-9293 if you are interested in the next “Alpha” or submit the form below …

Signup to attend our next Alpha Program

Alpha Program
Dec 2 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Alpha Program – Begins Friday Sep. 30/16 at 6pm!

  • When: Friday nights starting Sept 30/16 at 6pm
  • What: Dinner followed by 20-25 min video & discussion
  • Location: Will be at the hall where we hold our services
  • Child care: is provided
  • It’s all FREE

alpha-program-maple-ridge-logoThe Alpha Course is run at least once every year and has been a wonderful experience for learning and for growing relationships with others in the group. It is a 10-week program, introducing people to the basics of the Christian faith and features a shared meal and a time for asking questions and open discussion.

Contact Pastor Dave at 604-466-9293 if you are interested in the next “Alpha” or submit the form below …

Signup to attend our next Alpha Program

Church at the Fair – NO REGULAR SUNDAY SERVICE @ Albion Fair Grounds
Jul 30 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Once every summer we cancel our regular Sunday service and join other churches in our community at the Maple Ridge Fair in Albion by Planet Ice. See website here:

Marriage Motivator Day @ Robb Farion's home
Feb 10 @ 10:30 am – 9:30 pm
[vc_row][vc_column][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center” margin_bottom=”30″][vc_column_text]

Sign Up for Marriage Motivator Day!
( please use sign up sheet at church or email Dave King )

Just in time for Valentines day SVCC is offering a special event to help support couples with building and improving their relationships![/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][mk_custom_box corner_radius=”6″ padding_vertical=”15″ padding_horizental=”15″ margin_bottom=”20″ bg_color=”#0078b4″][vc_column_text align=”center” margin_bottom=”15″]Teaching and discussion based on the Kellers’ book Meaning of Marriage[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” lightbox=”true” align=”center”][/mk_custom_box][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][mk_custom_box corner_radius=”6″ padding_vertical=”15″ padding_horizental=”15″ margin_bottom=”20″ bg_color=”#0078b4″][vc_column_text align=”center” margin_bottom=”15″]Video and interaction on Tim Kimmel’s teaching on a Grace Filled Marriage[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” lightbox=”true” align=”center”][/mk_custom_box][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The special day includes:
Teaching & discussions, Video’s, a light lunch, a gourmet dinner of your choosing, and some fun and games.
Limited to only 4 couple at a time! There is a cost / dinner plate.
[/vc_column_text][mk_padding_divider size=”20″][mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”/current-events/marriage-motivator-day-pre-order-dinner/” align=”center” fullwidth=”true” bg_color=”#00804e” btn_hover_bg=”#0078b4″ btn_hover_txt_color=”#ffffff”]IF YOU HAVE SIGNED UP, CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER DINNER ![/mk_button][mk_padding_divider size=”20″][vc_column_text]


Sat. Feb 10th ( only 4 spots ) starting around 10am
Sat. Feb 17th ( only 3 spots ) starting around 10am

#2) CHOOSE YOUR MEAL ( must pre-order! ):

Our chef du jour is Robb Farion who has offered both his home and his BBQ skills to help make this event extra special. Here’s what’s on the menu:

A) Marinated Beef Tenderloin (Min 8-10oz) – $25

with Mushrooms (optional) & Bernaise Sauce (optional), Baked Potato or Fries, Caesar Salad or Asparagus (in ginger & soya sauce)

B) Smoked BBQ Babyback Pork Ribs (Min 4) – $20

with Baked Potato, Coleslaw or Caesar Salad

C) Smoked BBQ Chicken Thighs (Qty 2) – $15

with Baked Potato or Robbs Special Rice, Caesar Salad or Asparagus (in ginger & soya sauce)

If you have special dietary concerns, please feel free to bring your own dinner!

Marriage Motivator Day @ Robb Farion's home
Feb 17 @ 10:30 am – 9:30 pm
[vc_row][vc_column][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center” margin_bottom=”30″][vc_column_text]

Sign Up for Marriage Motivator Day!
( please use sign up sheet at church or email Dave King )

Just in time for Valentines day SVCC is offering a special event to help support couples with building and improving their relationships![/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][mk_custom_box corner_radius=”6″ padding_vertical=”15″ padding_horizental=”15″ margin_bottom=”20″ bg_color=”#0078b4″][vc_column_text align=”center” margin_bottom=”15″]Teaching and discussion based on the Kellers’ book Meaning of Marriage[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” lightbox=”true” align=”center”][/mk_custom_box][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][mk_custom_box corner_radius=”6″ padding_vertical=”15″ padding_horizental=”15″ margin_bottom=”20″ bg_color=”#0078b4″][vc_column_text align=”center” margin_bottom=”15″]Video and interaction on Tim Kimmel’s teaching on a Grace Filled Marriage[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” lightbox=”true” align=”center”][/mk_custom_box][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The special day includes:
Teaching & discussions, Video’s, a light lunch, a gourmet dinner of your choosing, and some fun and games.
Limited to only 4 couple at a time! There is a cost / dinner plate.
[/vc_column_text][mk_padding_divider size=”20″][mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”x-large” url=”/current-events/marriage-motivator-day-pre-order-dinner/” align=”center” fullwidth=”true” bg_color=”#00804e” btn_hover_bg=”#0078b4″ btn_hover_txt_color=”#ffffff”]IF YOU HAVE SIGNED UP, CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER DINNER ![/mk_button][mk_padding_divider size=”20″][vc_column_text]


Sat. Feb 10th ( only 4 spots ) starting around 10am
Sat. Feb 17th ( only 3 spots ) starting around 10am

#2) CHOOSE YOUR MEAL ( must pre-order! ):

Our chef du jour is Robb Farion who has offered both his home and his BBQ skills to help make this event extra special. Here’s what’s on the menu:

A) Marinated Beef Tenderloin (Min 8-10oz) – $25

with Mushrooms (optional) & Bernaise Sauce (optional), Baked Potato or Fries, Caesar Salad or Asparagus (in ginger & soya sauce)

B) Smoked BBQ Babyback Pork Ribs (Min 4) – $20

with Baked Potato, Coleslaw or Caesar Salad

C) Smoked BBQ Chicken Thighs (Qty 2) – $15

with Baked Potato or Robbs Special Rice, Caesar Salad or Asparagus (in ginger & soya sauce)

If you have special dietary concerns, please feel free to bring your own dinner!

Church at the Fair – NO REGULAR SUNDAY SERVICE @ Albion Fair Grounds
Jul 29 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Once every summer we cancel our regular Sunday service and join other churches in our community at the Maple Ridge Fair in Albion by Planet Ice. See website here:

Annual General Meeting & Potluck @ Kings House
Feb 24 @ 10:45 am – 1:30 pm
Annual General Meeting & Potluck @ Kings House | Maple Ridge | British Columbia | Canada

There will be a Pot Luck followed by our Annual General Meeting to approve financial statements from last year, to review our past year, and pray into the future. There will be a Question and Answer time.

Please bring something to share for the Pot Luck which will come after our service.

Church at the Fair – NO REGULAR SUNDAY SERVICE @ Albion Fair Grounds
Jul 28 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Once every summer we cancel our regular Sunday service and join other churches in our community at the Maple Ridge Fair in Albion by Planet Ice. See website here: