Admittedly, this calendar is not kept as up to date as it should be. Please note that the best way to keep up to date on our important event dates and times is to sign-up to our newsletter.
This is a study group meeting Sunday evenings for 9 weeks to ready, study and discuss the “Crazy Love” book written by Francis Chan.
Ladies, invite your friends to our annual spring tea. There will be games and prizes, sharing and reflection, and a wonderful time of friendship-building. Plan on being there. Plan on bringing someone. And plan on letting Patti know as soon as possible that you will be coming.
Sign-up sheets for attendees AND to supply some food – at the Church Info table
(bring $5 wrapped gift for each person who you will be bringing, including yourself, of course)
Our first retreat in quite awhile! Bring your own bedding. Upon registration, Patti will ask you to contribute some food towards the weekend. Maps available!